Urinary tract infections are very common illnesses that negatively impact a patient’s quality of life and can lead to life threatening complications, including sepsis and bacteremia.
Our panel detects nineteen different organisms from a urine sample, even when present at very low abundance. Those results are backwith in 24 hours. This allows the clinician to identify the infection more quickly and to swap from broad spectrum antibiotics to treatments specific to the infection. Treatment conversion is especially important in cases where the organism is weakly or non-responsive to the broad spectrum antibiotic. Conversion is also critical when the patient has already been treated with antibiotics for an extended period of time and continuance could result in disruption of normal flora. By combining the UTI panel with the ABR panel , clinicians can identify likely ESBLs, fungal or mixed infections within 24 hours and alter treatment course as appropriate.
To learn more about the UTI panel, contact us here.